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Trauma Counselling

At Hope & Resilience Counselling in Wagga Wagga, we understand that traumatic experiences can cast long shadows over our lives. The effects of trauma can be deep and lasting, impacting our emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. We are here to offer you a guiding light on your path to healing and recovery.

Understanding Trauma

Trauma can stem from a variety of sources, including accidents, abuse, violence, loss, or any event that overwhelms your ability to cope. It leaves behind emotional wounds that can manifest as anxiety, depression, anger, and a sense of disconnection. Our trauma counselling services are here to help you regain control and find your way back to a place of strength and resilience.

Facing Uncertainties with Strength

From building resilience to effectively managing uncertainties, my guidance is designed to encourage personal growth and transformation. I believe in celebrating each milestone achieved along the NDIS journey and assisting participants in reframing challenges as opportunities for positive change. My holistic approach extends beyond practical support; I also emphasise the importance of nurturing emotional well-being through tailored self-care practices. With my dedicated assistance, NDIS participants can embark on their journey with renewed hope, strengthened resilience, and a proactive outlook on their path forward.

Understand how trauma memories are filed in your brain?

EMDR/EMIT will help you to integrate those memories and change your perspective regarding what has happened in your past. As a result of Trauma, we carry negative messages about ourselves. Current incidents or events can trigger our memories of what happened in the past, creating high anxiety or depression.

EMIT and EMDR won’t erase  past memories, but we can have a more compassionate and accepting view of ourselves.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy and Eye Movement Integration Therapy (EMIT) are part of my holistic approach to counselling. EMDR is a powerful technique that involves guiding eye movements to aid processing traumatic memories and healing from distressing life experiences.


What is Trauma Counselling, and How Can It Help Me?

Trauma counselling is a therapeutic approach designed to help individuals who have experienced traumatic events. It aims to address the emotional and psychological impact of trauma, such as anxiety, depression, and flashbacks. Trauma counselling provides a safe and supportive environment to explore and process your experiences, develop coping strategies, and work towards healing and recovery.

How Do I Know if I Need Trauma Counselling?

If you’ve experienced a distressing or traumatic event that continues to affect your daily life, relationships, or emotional well-being, trauma counselling may be beneficial. Common signs that you may benefit from trauma counselling include persistent feelings of fear, anger, or sadness, recurring nightmares or flashbacks, and difficulty functioning in daily life due to trauma-related symptoms.

What Can I Expect During a Trauma Counselling Session?

During a trauma counselling session, you can expect a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can discuss your experiences and emotions. Your therapist will use evidence-based techniques such as Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Eye Movement (including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocesing) Integrated Therapy to help you process trauma, manage symptoms, and build resilience. Sessions are tailored to your unique needs and progress at your pace.

How can I benefit from the holistic approach of Counselling?

The duration of trauma counselling varies depending on your specific situation and progress. Some individuals may benefit from short-term counselling, while others may require longer-term support. Rest assured that all sessions are confidential, and your privacy is a top priority. Your therapist will discuss confidentiality and its limits with you during your first session.