Visit By Appointment

Suite 10, Level 1/53 Tompson St, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

Email Us

Call John

+61 423 385 761

Fees, Payments and Cancellation Policy

Sessions are for up to 60 minutes. Fee includes 10% GST.

  • Consult – individuals: $132.00,
  • Couples Counselling: $198.00 when couples come together.
  • Couples counselling: $132.00 when couples come for individual sessions.
  • Fees may be adjusted according to individual circumstances.

Payment Method – EFTPOS or Halaxy online: Credit or debit card to be presented at time of consultation.

Cancellation Policy.

Less than 24 hours’ notice: 100%.  Cancellation fee may be waived or reduced in exceptional circumstances. For Monday appointment cancellations, where possible please give notice on the Friday.  For cancellation, the day after a public holiday, where possible please give notice on the working day before the public holiday Cancellation must be by phone call – text message or email not accepted.    I need 24 hours’ notice to be able to offer your appointment time to somebody else.  Please consider your future commitments and circumstances before booking an appointment, so there is less likelihood of you needing to cancel later.

By submitting this Patient Intake Form, you agree to the cancellation policy, notice periods and fees

Credit card details are mandatory because of a history of some clients giving little or no notice of cancellation. I have bills to pay and need to put food on the table.  Credit card detail is stored on a secure portal (Halaxy).

If the intake form is not submitted at least 24 hours before the appointment, the appointment will be cancelled.  It will be presumed that the client has decided not to keep the appointment.


A private health insurance rebate is available for Medibank Private, Ahm, Bupa, Phoenix, HCF, Emergency Services Health, St Luke’s Health, Teacher’s Health Fund and Police Health Fund members who have counselling included in their “extras”. Unfortunately, no Medicare rebate is available for services provided by Hope and Resilience Counselling. The Australian Counselling Association has been lobbying the Federal Government to make rebates available to the clients of Counsellors but until now, to no avail.