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Guiding You Through the Depths of Loss

Grief is a profound emotional response, not limited to the loss of a loved one but extending to any significant life changes. I understand that our journey through life encompasses a multitude of transitions: from one life stage to another, from singlehood to partnership, from employment to retirement, and even the loss of a job. With each change, we encounter a sense of loss, and in turn, experience grief.

Throughout life, many of us will encounter what is known as “Disenfranchised Grief” – a loss that often goes unrecognised or unacknowledged by society. This could be the loss of an ex-spouse, an estranged family member, a loved one facing incarceration, or even the passing of a sibling we never had the chance to know. These losses may not receive the social recognition they deserve, but the grief they evoke is real and valid.

While there is extensive literature on the various stages of grief, I firmly believe that grief is a deeply personal journey. There are no universal counseling techniques that fit everyone’s experience. Each person’s grief is unique, influenced by their relationship with the loss and the emotions it stirs.

Healing and Finding Meaning

Recovery from grief and healing are not about “moving on” or “getting over it.” When we lose someone or something profoundly cherished, we may not want to simply get over it. Instead, we must learn to live in a world where that person or thing is no longer physically present. Part of the grieving process involves acknowledging that life will never be the same; it will be different.
In offering counselling support, I will be a compassionate listener, respecting your story and helping you connect with and accept your emotions. Together, we will explore the meaning behind your loss, and through this process, you can find your path towards healing and embracing a different, yet meaningful, life ahead.


How do I know if I need grief counseling, and when should I seek help?

Grief counseling can be beneficial if you are struggling to cope with the emotional impact of a significant loss, such as the death of a loved one or a major life transition. If you find that grief is interfering with your daily life, relationships, or overall well-being, it’s a good time to seek professional support.

Can grief counseling help with various types of losses, not just the death of a loved one?

Absolutely. Grief counseling is designed to address all forms of loss, including the loss of relationships, job loss, major life changes, and more. It’s about helping individuals navigate the complex emotions that accompany any significant loss.

How long does the grief counseling process typically take, and what can I expect from the sessions?

The duration of grief counseling varies from person to person and depends on the nature of the loss and the individual’s unique journey. In sessions, you can expect a safe and empathetic space to explore your feelings, share your experiences, and work on coping strategies. The goal is to support you as you move towards healing and finding meaning in your grief.

Will grief counseling help me "get over" my loss, or is it about learning to live with the grief?

Grief counseling is not about “getting over” your loss but rather finding ways to live with it. It’s about honoring your grief, learning to navigate it, and finding a path forward while preserving the memories and significance of what you have lost. Grief becomes a part of your life story, and counseling can help you integrate it in a healthy way.